Site Projects

Author: E30 Emperor,

This mod ended up being a little pricier than I anticipiated, but man was it worth it - The stock shifter in the E30 was coming up on 300,000 miles and 40 years old - Though I love the OEM setup, the way I drive this car calls for a slightly… more

Author: Jeff,

When I first got the 1995 Audi S6 Avant home and off of Martha's Vineyard, I was giddy with having finally snagged a real deal, a car that was purchased for very little solely because I had the inside track on it coming up for sale. Of… more

Author: Jeff,

When you see a car finally wearing a consistent shade of paint after years of being naked or otherwise clad in shoddy paintwork, it's a big moment. It's as close to being reborn as a car can be. For the 190E 2.3-16 Cosworth project, this… more

Author: Jeff,

A few days ago, the SRS light popped on the E55. When I purchased the car, this light was illuminated for unknown reasons, but it was cleared and off for the better part of four months after it spent a week at my shop in Rhode Island. 


Author: Jeff,

One of the final projects completed before I left Rhode Island was to fix some small rust spots on the frame of the Audi S6's windshield. The idea here is that the S6 may very well live outside at times, and any rust currently on the car is… more

Author: Jeff,

We pushed through an incredible amount of work before moving to Maryland, with the Audi S6, BMW 325is, and Mercedes-Benz E55 all getting long-simmering projects wrapped up before leaving town. 

The E55 was a pretty solid car overall, but… more

Author: Jeff,

The bulk of my recent move to Maryland is complete, meaning the parts from the garage are in a storage unit down here and the three cars (+1 for the Eurovan) that were ready to leave are safely on the ground. 

This was a big lift and… more

Author: Jeff,

While I hadn't intended to put any more money into the Trooper RS before relocating - especially with the news that the headgasket had started leaking - logistics demanded that I do something with the truck before moving it over to my… more

Author: Jeff,

One of the lingering details about the E30 - the 1987 BMW 325is - that has always bothered me is the lack of an OEM windshield. Or, for that matter, even a windshield from a respected aftermarket manufacturer. About five years ago, when the bulk… more