TCG Stories

By: Jeff, 06/19/2022

The Great Race is one of the last major cross-country events catering largely to pre-WWII cars. Typically running from West to East but occasionally going the other direction, this weeks-long speed-controlled event is one of the last of its kind, as it even outlaws GPS and other helpful devices to help you get from point A to point B. It's described as, "....a test of a driver/navigator team's ability to follow precise course instructions and the car's (and team's) ability to endure on a cross-country trip. The course instructions require the competing teams to drive at or below the posted speed limits at all times."

So, it's not a speed competition, but it is an event designed to test your navigational skills and ability to follow directions, all while managing the unpredictable nature of a pre-war car. That being said, the rules have softened in recent years, now allowing for any classic car up to 1974 to participate. These leaves the door open for lots of desirable muscle cars, and the photos from this year's kick-off - which happened right in my own backyard of Warwick, RI - reveal plenty of Shebly Mustangs and Pontiac GTOs in the mix. 

I wish I had known about this with more advance warning, as 10,000 car fans swarmed Rocky Point Park and even Governor McKee came down to wave the proverbial green flag. Hagerty is a sponsor, as is Hemmings, Coker Tires, and McCollister's Auto Transport, a very respectable list of corporate supporters. The teams left Warwick on Saturday morning, en route to Connecticut with plenty of stops planned along the way, including Wayne Carini's F40 Motorsports.

To drive a pre-war car anywhere is likely a watershed moment for most automotive enthusiasts, but to take one from Rhode Island to Fargo, North Dakota, deserves a lifetime achievement award. 

By: Jeff, 06/18/2022

This week - for the first time ever - I had three vehicles up for sale. My 1991 Saab 900 Turbo SE convertible; my 1990 Audi V8 Quattro; and a 1988 Alfa Romeo Milano Verde, a non-running project car. Long and short of it? Two sales and one no-sale. Here's what went down:

Saab 900 SE: With three minutes left, it was sitting at $9,000. Over the course of three minutes, it went slightly nuts and bidding ended at $23,750. The winning bidder, a woman from Massachusetts, won the car and quickly fell apart over several phone calls. She wanted the car but clearly was surprised at what it took to win it. I never heard from her in the hours after the auction, a very, very bad sign for any seller, and my phone call that night did nothing to inspire further confidence. She cried. She cried some more. She asked for more time. She refused to send a deposit of any sustenance. She wanted me to bring the car to her. The whole thing reeked. Thankfully, the runner-up bidder contacted me the next morning expressing his interest should the first bidder flake out. Within three hours, the winning bidder had conceded she didn't have the means to store the car (which is something you should know before you enter a single, Goddamn bid) and the second bidder had wired funds within two hours of my confirming with him the car was his for the taking. A win, but one that was hard-fought. 

Audi Quattro V8: This one stung a bit. There was seemingly a good amount of interest in this obscure luxury sedan early on, easily outpacing where my Euro-spec E21 was a few years back. However, the mad rush of bidding at the end never happened and the auction stalled out at $7,400. In some respects, I wish this car had sold, as it was the perfect car for Bring A Trailer: a real-deal survivor with very little in the way of flaws and in completely original condition. That's the audience for a car like that, and it will be a slightly harder sell (I think, who knows) without an educated audience that knows how few of these Autobahn cruisers are left in this sort of condition. I am in conversations with the high bidder and if we can land on a compromise number, I will likely sell it just to have the space back in the garage. 

Alfa Romeo Milano Verde: This was the surprise of the week, as the Milano was a non-running project that hadn't run in at least two to three years. The sale was very quick, with a deposit received within 48 hours of listing it here on The Common Gear. The car was a good one, as it was completely stock and still had its original Recaro interior in very good condition. I sold it with a fairly generous assortment of spare parts, but that not only helped to seal the deal but also gave me some much-needed space back in the garage and got rid of parts I will no longer need. I will miss this car as I really wanted to own an Alfa with that gorgeous Busso V6 under the hood but I will need to find one that doesn't need nearly as much love given I have limited local resources for Italian car restoration. Perhaps I will buy this one back down the road when it is a runner once again. 

So, there you have it. Bring A Trailer still works well when it does work, but it's by no means a guarantee of a sale. They do very little to support you in your goal of closing the transaction out successfully, which does strip away some of the magic that many of us seem to assume is part of the BaT equation. However, with the resources that The Common Gear brings to bear, I feel far more comfortable losing an auction these days knowing that my work and time invested in a given car will still be easy for the next owner to find, understand, and appreciate. I'm confident we'll find a new owner for the gorgeous Audi V8 soon. 

By: Jeff, 06/15/2022

The Isle of Man TT went on a two-year hiatus like so many other spectator-driven events following the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. This event - this spectacle of unreal proportions - has captivated attendees for decades and thrust the tiny island community into a spotlight of discomforting dynamics.

Sadly, its return to primetime in 2022 was marred by five deaths and multiple serious injuries. The fact that death is a part of the TT has been quietly accepted over the years, but in the bizarro world we find ourselves in where feelings count double what they used to, the social media chorus to ban the TT has become quite vocal. 

However you look at it, it's tragic what happened. But if you ask the drivers if they know what they signed up for - that is, they're aware that death is likely and the only way to escape it is to be exactly as talented as you proclaim to be and then some - they will resoundingly tell you yes. The Isle of Man TT is one of those few events left where you can dance with death of your free will, content knowing that whatever the outcome is, you'll have done something that many of us - nay, 99 percent of us - would never have the gumption to do.(Read more about this year's event here at

Rust Cohle, the deadpan detective from the first season of True Detective, says: "The world needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door." In the same vein, we also need those individuals who yearn to live in the extremes, so that we may see what's possible when you go to the edge and return to tell the story. To take that away leaves us constantly falling short of knowing how to survive on the other side. 

Rest in peace to those who perished, who died a far more valiant death than the legions of us who face our final days hooked up to a machine in a dirty, state-run nursing home. 

By: Jeff, 06/10/2022

Every now and again, I'm reminded that my two biggest restoration projects - the Mercedes Cosworth and the Isuzu Trooper RS - are far from the most extreme anyone has ever attempted. 

They are massive by my standards, yes, but not all compared to what some enthusiasts have done. I stumbled across the Instagram account for a user named limoncellaprojekt, who apparently found an exceedingly rare Porsche 993-chassis 911 that was one of a handful of paint-to-sample cars when it was new. After a series of bad events and bad weather, the rare 911 was swept away into a river, where the owner barely escaped and the car then sat for five years.

Fast forward to the present day and the current owner - after negotiating the purchase of the mangled carcass after the river receded and the car became visible - has undertaken a massive restoration project to repair the heavily damaged body, rebuild the waterlogged engine, and restore the completely disgusting interior. It's an absolutely insane attempt at rebirth, but as his interview with Hagerty confirms, some projects aren't always about the bottom line:

"Paolo is under no illusions about the absurdity of his project. The process has involved multiple trips to Germany and at this juncture remains far from complete. As he explained in the Rennlist thread, this is not a project about financial gain, but rather something he enjoys just for the love of it."

Read more here:

By: Jeff, 06/04/2022

As a kid, I spent most Memorial Day weekends at Lime Rock Park, the so-called road racing center of the East. This was certainly the case 25 years ago, when the typical opening weekend of summer was mobbed with people and the racing was non-stop. Neon Challenge Series, Trans Am, Grand Am, GT2 - you name the racing series, it was there. 

I felt nostalgic this year as I was bringing my son for the first time. In celebration of this, I wore my Realtime Racing polo shirt, as the owner of this Acura-powered team, Peter Cunningham, absolutely made my summer one year when he signed a huge 24x36 poster featuring his championship winning NSX. That was what the Lime Rock of old was like, with the paddock a veritable red carpet tour of winning drivers and teams, with huge semi trucks packed nose-to-nose with competition cars stacked six deep. 

Well, blame it on the rain, but Lime Rock was deader than I have ever seen it this year. Trans Am was still alive and well, but that should come as no surprise - these are basically NASCAR racers that can tackle a road course. The paddock was quiet; there were no lines at the beer tent or other concessions; and despite arriving four hours after the gates opened, I still had just a short walk to the main viewing area. 

In a weird way, the gift shop was symbolic of the vibes at Lime Rock as a whole. The original "Driving Impressions" gift shop was like walking into Skip Barber's basement, with display cases full of model cars, racing memorabilia, signage and stickers, all of which represented a wide range of eras in professional racing. No longer - the current "gift shop" is the same store, with its footprint cut in half and a dozen variations on the same T-shirt design. Meaningless, I know, but as a kid, the original store was Heaven on Earth. What happened? 

I'm not sure what experience Lime Rock is trying to capture these days, but in my first visit since Skip Barber sold it, I now know that my memories are more meaningful than ever. And when reading about the new ownership team that's running the park these days, I can't say I'm surprised at the end result:

"For the last 37 years, Skip Barber—he of eponymous racing-school fame—has owned the Lime Rock, but today, a new group of investors, Lime Rock Group, LLC, announced it has acquired the track." Road & Track, April 2021

And another experience implodes at the hands of an investment group. From now on, I'll be pinning my hopes of a traditional track experience on Sebring. 

By: Jeff, 06/01/2022

Here's something pretty cool: Hagerty, as we well know, is getting into the car enthusiast community in a pretty big way. Hiring Sam Smith from Road & Track, buying Radwood, going public - it's been a big couple of years for the boutique insurance company. 

Of course, you're always worried the other foot is going to drop. When are they going to pull the rug out from under us and say, "Surprise! We're just Liberty Mutual, disguised as a good guy, and we secretly hate all of those modifications you've been making. Claim DENIED." I'm one of those people, as I couldn't help but wonder what would happen to the Radwood show after Hagerty took over. 

Thankfully, my fears haven't been realized just yet, and with Hagerty's UK division hosting its first hillclimb event at the historic Shelsley Walsh course over the holiday weekend, our reassurance meter just jumped a few pegs. If nothing else, even if there is a finite horizon in place, Hagerty is using its time embedded with the enthusiast community to exceed our expectations. 

On top of that, they're shining a light on some of the lesser-known aspects of the hobby. Most of us have the basics - autocross, track days, LeMans, Lime Rock - but to get into hillclimbs and stack the deck with numerous priceless and historic open-wheel racers is just a whole 'nother level. Kudos to Hagerty for bringing more enthusiasts into the fold who gleefully pay their premiums every year, all while showcasing the intricate layers of motorsports, car collecting, and the enthusiast lifestyle. 

Check out the full photo gallery from this weekend's event here:

By: toolbox, 05/22/2022


NOTE - THIS IS WORK-IN-PROCESS as the site is in Beta.

TCG is a site configured to allow users to be social in storing data that is useful to document ownership, as well as treat vehicles, project chronicles, maintenance chronicles, and receipts as digital assets.  The idea behind the site is that your receipts and ownership records, as well as project documentation, is a value-add that can be used to substantiate your ownership, as well as interact with like-minded enthusiasts.

TCG is currently in Beta.  This means there will be occasional changes and updates, and we'll do the best we can to be transparent with these changes so that there are no surprises.  While in Beta, the data storage and For Sale areas of the site are currently free.  The plan will be to keep document storage and vehicle chronicling free to registered users, and possibly charge a modest fee for For Sale listings and advertising.  We want to be up-front with our stakeholders, as we do not want you to be reluctant to do the work of chronicling your ownership, and then later have to pay for it.   

TCG will not resell user data, and may have the occasional ad or two to help pay for things.  We are not trust-funders (not that there's anything wrong with that in any way...!), so we have to pay for running the site.  If and when the site grows and matures, we're sure to have bills to pay, so we want to be as transparent as possible as to how we plan to do this.   We realize that a site is only as good as its stakeholders and constituents, and on this note, we're also planning on adding a Q&A and Suggestions Box to the site.  When that's ready to go we'll let you know. 

So how does this site work?  Site functionality and understanding how you can utilize the site for yourself will be documented below.  


By: Jeff, 05/21/2022

Over the last several months, I have been looking for an FJ80-series Toyota Land Cruiser. It was to be our beach vehicle, as it has three rows of seats and is also an appreciating model that shows no signs of slowing down. 

My friend Jeff, who was the mechanic that spent a fair amount of time on the blue 1986 Isuzu Trooper and allowed the white Range Rover County to live at his house for a spell, has connected me to a seller with my preferred variant of the FJ80: the Lexus-badged LX450. 

Now, I pointed this truck out to Jeff when he told me he felt the Range Rover wasn't worth working on, a noble gesture considering I was going to pay him too much to bring it back to life. He may have decided he didn't want the money that bad, which is also sort of what happed with the Trooper. I ended up feeling like the shop just wanted to be done with it, so I quickly sold it and a project-grade 1985 Toyota Cressida I had dropped off there a few months beforehand. It just felt like everyone was burnt out. But as I was preparing the Range Rover to get picked up by its new owner, I showed Jeff the picture of the dark blue/green LX450 parked at the shop and asked him about it.

Turns out it was a good customer of theirs, someone who lived outside of the U.S. half the year and whose son was using the truck in Newport. Jeff promised to inquire about it and indicated he felt it could be had for a good price. Fast forward a few weeks and Jeff indeed confirms he can make the deal happen, with the owner dropping the truck along with the title at his house in the coming weeks while he prepares a new vehicle for his son to drive around in.

The price is really good - well below current valuations for a Land Cruiser of this vintage - and the whole thing just seems too easy. I'm a firm believer in "If it's too good to be true, it probably is." But there's also a part of me that believes Jeff feels bad I sold the Trooper and that he never did any real work other than diagnostics on the Range Rover, so maybe he thinks he owes me a good truck. I don't know how strong his moral compass is.

Regardless, I'll find out in the coming days if this is all going to come together, and then I'll hopefully know for sure which end is up. 

By: Jeff, 05/19/2022

I became aware of an auction / estate sale happening down in Georgia at the end of the month, tipped off by a friend who had previously bought cars from the now-deceased collector. The owner was mostly an American car/truck enthusiast, so the auction lot didn't seem like it'd have much to offer. 

Upon watching some videos posted up by the auctioneer, I noticed a car I've been casually hunting for: a late 90s Jaguar XJR sedan, which came with a supercharged V8 engine. Given this thing stood out like a sore thumb amongst numerous Mopar and Chevrolet products, I immediately registered to bid, convinced I would be the only one gunning for this high-powered sedan.

Like I do with every potential purchase, I Googled the VIN. And whoa Momma, did it tell some stories. One result was an archived auction report that showed the XJR was totaled due to flood in South Carolina in October of 2016, which is exactly when this British Racing Green sedan bit the dust. The deceased bought the XJR for $300; why, I don't know. The same archived auction photos showed the water line markings as being high enough to soak the carpets, so with that in mind, I quickly moved on from my British performance car ambitions. 

Always Google the VIN! 

By: Jeff, 04/26/2022

While much has been said about the demise of the muscle car owing to the generational shift of power from baby boomers to millennials, these concerns may be overblown. I say this because of the very narrow lens I have into the selling of old American cars and trucks due to my connection to a property in Tennessee where I help to connect the seller with buyers from around the globe. 

A '66 Mustang to Australia. Fairlane 500 to Florida. Chevy Novas to multiple locations. Chevy C10s that go...everywhere. And as of today, an extremely rotten '69 Pontiac Firebird convertible that sold locally for $7,000. I've had this car listed for a few months, and had seen steady interest - but not actual buyers. Of course, it was very clear it was rotten as hell. Floorboards were gone, struts poking through the wheel arches in the trunk, the top and frame destroyed, and of course, an obliterated interior. 

Still, today a guy with the same name as yours truly showed up and negotiated down from $7,500 to buy it for an even $7,000. I'm mildly shocked. This was one of those cars my friend Steve put a price tag on that I felt would leave it rotting into the ground for the next 25 years. But that's the pull of old muscle cars - the standard rules don't apply, and that's a good thing. Why? Because it absolves the rest of us to go out and buy that total heap that's been keeping us up at night.

The Cool IG, YT, Web Embeds

By: Jeff, 12/01/2023


First of all, this is not a Bring a Trailer "hate post." Not at all. What it is serves more as a reminder that the bigger an entity gets, the greater the distance becomes between its intended mission and the people it claims to serve. Pierre Hedary, a noted Mercedes-Benz expert and shop owner, has politely pointed out recently that he's received an influx of customer cars bought on BaT with significant, undisclosed mechanical issues, and for that, he's been called out by the internet flash mob. 

You should watch his latest video here; as usual, Pierre is extremely measured in his response, and does very little (if anything) to fan inflammatory flames. The most hilarious feedback he's received since his original video questioning the BaT effect (Why Bring A Trailer Cars are a Terrible Ideais that he's some sort of closeted liberal, which of course, is the knee-jerk response by anyone who feels personally attacked that their open checkbook lifestyle is risky at best ("Oooh, you dare question my purchasing power, you must be a poor liberal schmuck - please), but beyond that, it's incredible how insecure folks get when someone dares question whether BaT has any integrity whatsoever about the vehicles they sell. 

Listen: buying vintage cars and trucks is inherently risky behavior. Things can go wrong in a big way and you can be upside down in a hurry. That's the roll of the dice we all live with. The problem that Pierre points to is a very simple disconnect between the BaT brand and the buying experience that many real-world folks are having. BaT has, intentionally or otherwise, built a reputation that indicates they have the ability to connect buyers with the best cars and most professional sellers. If you buy on BaT, you avoid the supposed refuse that haws their wares on craigslist and Marketplace. 

The reality is, this simply isn't true. Are there good cars on BaT? Yes. Are there good cars on craigslist? Yes. Are their total shitboxes in both places? Yes to that as well - but if you say it about BaT, be prepared for the pitchforks. 

Many of the loyalists to BaT are the same kinds of folks who would chastise people of a certain political stripe for ardently following an elected official without asking enough questions. The irony is they don't practice what they preach as it relates to buying and selling cars, so many of them are hypocritical at best. To date, I have sold three cars on BaT and have never bought a single one of the eight vehicles I own on their platform. With few exceptions, I have been pleasantly surprised by every vehicle I own, but that's because I'm buying the seller, not the car - and that is a dynamic that's near impossible to create on BaT, where both the seller and the company leadership refuse to stand behind their products once the hammer is down and the wire transfer is complete. 

By: Jeff, 05/19/2023


Hey everyone - we're excited to share with you the first in a series of instructional videos on how to use The Common Gear to store digitized records of the maintenance and improvements you're making to your collector and vintage-grade cars and trucks. 

One of our primary test users, Lars, has a 1988 BMW 325is he's been logging updates of since he bought the car last summer. From road trips to oil changes, he captures vital details about his car's history that will be useful for his own tracking purposes, or if he decides to sell the car later on. 

Check out the video below for quick overview of how he uses The Common Gear for his own maintenance tracking, and watch this space for more quick instructional videos on how to put The Common Gear to work for you. 

By: Jeff, 02/21/2023


YouTube personality Tyler Hoover has been a breath of fresh air in talking candidly about his automotive purchases - the good, the bad, and the ugly. While his platform already had plenty of fame from his rapid-fire purchasing tendencies, he gained perhaps even more notoriety by being one of the first automotive celebrities to talk about a horrific experience buying an expensive restomod on BaT, and having it all go horribly wrong. 

If any of you follow this world, Hoover purchased a restomod version of the iconic wing car, the Plymouth Superbird. He also produced a widely shared YouTube video wherein he discusses the numerous undisclosed flaws with the car, including a suspension so poorly tuned that the car was virtually undrivable. It led to a dust-up of sorts that prompted BaT to refund the buyer's fee. There's just one problem: it happened again. 

This time, the stakes were lower: a $19,000 Citroen ID19, purchased from BaT. The car arrived with non-functioning rear brakes, several undisclosed leaks, and suspension in generally poor order. Are these repairs out of the question for an older vehicle (and a French one, no less?) No, not necessarily. But the listing shows a video of the car running and driving with relative ease, which seemingly glosses over the fact that it doesn't stop. The seller provides no details on the car's mechanical health and the listing includes zero service records. This should have been a red flag for the buyer, but he also likely thought he was buying a good car with $20,000 fewer dollars in his bank account. 

Check out the listing here and Hoovie's video on the car below; we wonder if BaT will again step in to make lemonade out of lemons:

By: Jeff, 02/08/2023


Against my better judgment, we created a short video with zero editing (straight raw, as the cool kids say....maybe?) that explains what the mission of The Common Gear is.

Simply put, we built this site to securely store digitized records for our vintage and collector cars. We wanted to never again wonder where that invoice or window sticker went, or have anyone question the level of sweat equity put into a car project.

Store your records with The Common Gear. Log your project updates. Create a portal whereby you can share a secure URL with potential buyers who may want to buy your car / motorcycle / boat / etc., and plug it into auction sites should you choose to go that way. We'll bet you'll see your desired bottom dollar, if not a few more bucks. 

Reach out to with questions, and thanks for checking us out. 

By: john, 07/28/2022

So yeah, there is an E9 in my garage that is pretty sweet.  And, I have to remember not to take for granted the things I am fortunate enough to have, so I'm not going to do that.  HOWEVER, I have this thing for E24 M6 hotness, especially the euro-delivery sleds, with the M88, slim bumpers, and sexiness that is the little sister to the beautiful E9 that lives in my garage. 

Check it out...

By: john, 02/02/2022

Per the Boston Globe, apparently Tesla can't figure out how to drive in Boston either.  From a 2/1/22 article "Self-driving Tesla does ‘the craziest things you can imagine’: Boston man’s viral video shows autopilot dangers",  a Boston man’s viral video shows autopilot dangers (or maybe Boston dangers....?).  

"You have no idea what it's going to do next."

I do find this kinda hilarious, simply because of the hubris that exists with tech buttholes who think that they can code around human behavior.  If there's a self-driving crucible in the U.S., it's def Boston.