Porsche introduces documentation services


Tell us we're right without telling us we're right. The need for documentation, particularly among high-end collector vehicles, is more important than ever - especially as the premier vehicle auction services move to increasingly digital formats. You're buying a car that potentially costs north of six figures, so leaving any stone unturned is a major risk. 

Porsche recently announced the debut of its Porsche Vehicle Documentation service. This is a two-pronged offer, which focuses on the Porsche Product Specifications (PPS), which contains "....your vehicle's original production card specifications, including optional equipment, exterior and interior color, engine and transmission type, production completion date and manufacturer's suggested retail price when available."

The second tier of the service is Classic Technical Certificate (CTC). The CTC "....includes original vehicle data at the time it was delivered, such as date of production, exterior and interior color, interior material, and option equipment."

Porsche is addressing the fact that owners want to know more about their cars, and they want it in an electronic format. While the Certificate of Authenticity (COA) has been offered for years, it's a fairly manual process. By taking the simple step to move these services into an online, all-digital format, Porsche is signaling how critical digital documentation is to the future of collector and vintage vehicles.